This web site is provided by
Terri Mitchell, County

Collector of Revenue.
Take some time to meet your collector.
It is our goal to provide the service, trustworthiness,
and efficiency that the citizens of Pulaski County deserve, while fulfilling the obligation to follow the statutes
of the State of Missouri.
The Pulaski County Collector is the elected official responsible for collecting all current and delinquent Real Estate
and Personal Property taxes for the county and various political subdivisions within the county that have authorized property
tax levies. The collector also collects merchant license fees as well as railroad and utility taxes.
Assessments are made by the County Assessor. The collector must collect the taxes due as shown on the assessor’s records.
We cannot make any changes to your tax bill. Please contact the Assessor’s office at the following number for any corrections
or for more information regarding assessments or property descriptions. (573) 774-4717.
Our goal is to provide additional
payment options
to taxpayers and greater access to public information -- 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week -- all without the inconvenience or expense of a
trip to the courthouse.
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Terri Mitchell
Pulaski County Collector of Revenue
301 Historic Rt. 66 E, Suite 110
Waynesville, MO 65583, MO 65536
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30
Telephone: (573) 774-4711
Fax: (573) 433-2777
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301 Historic Rt. 66 E, Suite 110
Waynesville, Missouri
Pulaski County Courthouse
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